Books by June

'Circle Dancing -
celebrating the Sacred in Dance'
published by Green Magic Publishing Second print.
The book is full of the knowledge, observations and experiences amassed over the 25 years of working with and learning from Sacred Circle Dance. It contains explanations of the symbols and the deep meaning encoded in the dances, the movement of energy, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual effects of the Dance, also my own personal journey with it.
"An entertaining and inspiring book - deep and informative and full of passion"
Dame Judi Dench
Buy it from your local bookshop,,
German edition available from as a paperback or as a PDF e-book.
Spanish edition is also available from as a paperback .
Price: £9.99
ISBN: 0954723082
Read review by Caroline Sherwood.
Read review by Mandy de Winter.
"I have just bought and read your book Circle Dancing and could not put it down! I just wanted to say that I found the book inspirational in many ways and it really spoke to me about my own experience of coming to Circle Dancing and what it has meant to me as my experience has evolved through the Dance. Thank you for sharing your experiences so richly. I shall continue to recommend it to others.
"Ah, so many important things you say in your book that you have said over the years but I forgot, or you just captured them in words so eloquently, like (on p 40 about) the difference between the folk dances and the essence of the Dance. Excellent description...
"Your book is a constant refresher and inspiration to me and a support in my teaching and learning.
"I’ve just finished your book ‘Circle Dancing’….my excitement built into a miraculous reverence for the strength and truth you wrote…I’ve waited 20 years for you and your book to manifest in my life…..Thank you, thank you for opening up my heart’s desire to enter the Dance.’
"In writing about the Dance, you write about EVERYTHING. It functions as a complete spiritual path."
Caroline Sherwood
"It is a very well written and highly interesting and balanced text book on the dance - a really lovely book, full of openness, humour and modesty."
David Roberts
“I was given your book 'Circle Dancing' as a gift. And a real gift it surely was. I am enjoying reading it VERY much. So much that I wonder if you might be interested to have it translated into German. I would like to do that.”
Silke Mombacher
“Your work, humanity, insight and beautiful way of writing/articulating was nectar for my spirit. Thankyou for the inspiration and encouragement you have given and for the courage in following your Way.”
"I want to thank you for your book which I thoroughly enjoyed reading. You wrote the book we've all been wanting about the Dance, and I kept saying to myself, yes of course, THAT'S why we dance as we do!!"
"…what a beautiful publication it is! You have done some wonderful research and I am so grateful for such an inspiring depth and richness. .You make quite clear how integral is the dance to our essential humanity and divinity. And to our joyfulness! I will refer to it again and again in my own eurythmy work."
"Your books are a continual source of inspiration. The more experience I have holding my dance circle the more meaningful your words are for me."

'The Sacred Earth Energy Dance Book -
a journey of healing through the eight Celtic festivals.'
For eight years I co-ordinated a network of dancing circles around the world. At each of the eight Celtic/Anglo-Saxon festivals we danced the same dance at the same time and focussed the energy somewhere specific.
The book is full of historical goodies, insights into the meaning of the festivals, ways to celebrate them, and my personal journey through these years.
"As a Festival approaches, I sit, pause and read June's 'The Sacred Earth Energy Dance Book'. It has become a welcome time of reflection for me on each Festival ... inspiring me as I choose dances to dance and traditions and info to share."
Naomi Silver, Sacred Circle Dancer for over 20 years
"I think the book is great."
Available from as either a paperback, a PDF e-book, or an ePub e-book.